Dear Jen,
by now you should have noticed that your photo's have taken a life of itself on the puahate forums. You most probably are angry at this, but you should not be angry at the posters.
No, your anger should be directed at your boyfriend, Barry Kirkey. Barry Kirkey insisted on dragging you in his show by telling everyone how 'hot his girlfriend is' and even though you never really wanted by the sound of your voice, dragged you in front of the microphone.
The enigma that was Jen grew on his forums, but people were pretty mild with it. Then barry, who still refuses to get a REAL job, decided to close the forums, something which fell hard on some posters. PuaHate sprang from this, and then the hate for Barry's show which was declining in quality, grew even more.
So you see Jen, it's not the fault of the forum. It's the fault of Barry's own ego not being kept in check, and his pride. If he wouldn't have made such a big deal out of you, there would be no hype on the forum, and your photos would have probably never been posted. I think it's a wise choice to seriously reconsider staying with this train wreck, because he will only drag you down in this deep pitt. Remember the analogy of the pit. No matter how long you spend climbing out of it, you can still fall down to the bottom every second.